The radical nationalists didn't wreak havoc at Hősök Square on Saturday the 21st of April as feared, instead the 1000 people assembled put on a surrealistic show, as the reporter of 'Hirszerzo' reported. What is probably meant by surrealistic is that the radicals were not only dressed in Hungarian medieval clothes and brought with them their now trademark Árpád flag, but a large majority of these people appeared in gas masks also.
There were of course dolls meant to bash the most prominent government members, and many people were shouting 'Frau Mengele' referring to the soon-to-be appointed Minister of Health, Agnes Horvath (her predecessor, Mr. Molnar, was responsible for the implementation of reforms, some of them leading to a few hospitals being shut down - mostly provincial, and/or not vital institutions - and others to be refurnished and improved-ed.) In addition, there were banners titled 'either our dreams will come alive or we will die together.'
Then the famous spokesman of this group, Gyorgy Budahazy, who could not make it to the event since he cannot leave his residence (he is facing many criminal charges-ed.) was able to to broadcast his speech to all those who gathered at Hősök Square. In his speech he said that it is a shame that there are only a handful ready to fight. According to Budaházy, there are two paths the radicals can choose. The first, if they form a party and are elected into parliament. Although, they could get 20% of the votes, but they would then have to work according to the laws of democracy , thus the second solution remains.
'We have to change the regime/social system!' Budaházy said that a shadow regime must be formed called Hunnia which will in time take the place of today's Hungary. For this to happen, there is need for an army, a show of strength, new laws, a new political system, and a new currency.
The other spokesman of the day, Laszlo Toroczkai, said that due to the destruction led by Gyurcsany, 'Hungary has ceased to exist' there's only a plaza (shopping mall) standing in its place. There is no army, national security, money, economy, and a nation left. Because of all this one must unite and create the 'Old Hungary' which working from the inside could soon replace and eliminate the current Hungary, said Toroczkai.
The Old Hungary
People were able to apply for these positions filling out various forms colored green and white after the demonstration ended. There were also red forms for those who did not want to assume any roles yet, but wanted to be citizens of the future State, Hunnia. These citizens will have their own IDs, complete with the Saint Crown of St. Stephen.
According to Toroczkai, there is no need for functions, so nobody could take power to themselves. A community needs to be established. They will then help each other financially so that the new citizens could be financially independent from the old ones. 'We are not demonstrating any longer, but instead building' said Toroczkai.
There were no major incidents, and the demonstration was peaceful, except for the four 'new citizens' who demanded that a picture be deleted from the photojournalist's digital camera...
(Source: Hirszerzo)
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