All parliamentary parties finally came together to remember the victims of the Holocaust. (Viktor Orbán, president of Fidesz also attended.) Besides politicians, leaders of the Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant Churches also attended the remembrance of the 15th of April.
Everyone should condemn Antisemitism
Katalin Szili, the Socialist speaker of the House, said that everyone ought to condemn intolerance, the inciting of racism, harassment, all forms of racist violence, and condemn without reservation all actions arising from antisemitism. Szili also remarked that like a virus antisemitism has popped its ugly head up on our continent once again, and it is encroaching upon democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. We cannot allow even one member of minority to be insulted even if it is only done verbally, she continued.
One should remember not because of revenge or self-torture, but to prevent inhumanity from returning. Children should also be taught to speak out against inhumanity and oppression, since first comes discrimination, then segregation, and finally annihilation the speaker of the House ended.
The Fidesz Version
Zoltan Balog of Fidesz started his speech similarly saying that the Holocaust was a Hungarian tragedy, where Hungarians were killed, but then later changed his tone and started bashing the government: 'We should not let anyone accuse us, or anyone else for that matter, of being antisemitic. Let's not tolerate that they want us to focus our energy on defending ourselves against false accusations instead of discussing the problems of this country.' Balog added, that the only way people will appreciate the Holocaust more is if we respect each other mutually. All of us have need for forgiveness and forgiving', ended the Fidesz member's speech.
Gyurcsany's Initiative
We declare the 'Zero Tolerance' principle against all those who with their ideas, words, and their actions segregate and breed hatred, and who label people due to religious, racial, or gender differences, said Ferenc Gyurcsany.
The PM still talking about the soon to be implemented policy said that the most inhumane and evil part of our history, the Holocaust was prepared by the thoughts of greed and cowardliness. 'That is why we warn of the responsibility of the talker and of the responsibility of the silent as well', he added. Gyurcsany concluded his speech (obviously referring to the main opposition party) by saying ' we are united in our aim against racist, antisemitic, intolerant behavior, views, and thoughts.'
Orban lit a candle
The program organized in front of the Terror House Museum at Andrassy Street, was viewed by a few hundred spectators. After the official speeches candles were lit at the memorial near the Museum where Orban and his wife lit the first candles.
(Source: Nol, Mti, Hvg)
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